
Showing posts from April, 2023

What is the Decontamination Process Followed for Infection Control?

In different facilities, environmental cleaning as well as disinfection play a major role in infection control as well as prevention. According to research, contaminated surfaces spread pathogens from person to person. In fact, it has been discovered that the amount of transmission is directly correlated with the extent of environmental contamination. While manual cleaning is indeed an important part of infection prevention as well as control, there is a chance that pathogens will get into the disinfectant solution for cleaning and spread to other cleaned services. How can you guarantee patients’ safety while removing the possibility of infection spreading? Contact the providers of decontamination cleaning service today! Decontamination for Infection Control In a bid to prevent the propagation of infection, a series of procedures known as decontamination is used to remove or successfully destroy infectious agents and other contaminants. The 3 procedures are:- Cleaning Enhanced cleanin